A Day in the Life of Benzo Traverston Jr.

Here is a video!!!


The boys keep bugging me about it, and now I finally have a video on my blog, so they can stop bugging me.

This is a little video for Ben, to remind him of home. *sniff, sniff* (or maybe he doesn't want to remember some things)

Sorry for the bad quality; it was only taken with Ab's camera. Thanks to the boys for their help and to Jacob for editing and messing with the video so that it would fit on my blog. Yep, I'm not smart enough to do it myself, so I had to get my eight-year-old brother to do it.

Ben just pretend the camera is you. In spite of your weird voices, height, and hands.

13 comments: (+add yours?)

Ben&Brit said...

...pretty cool...


That's kind of funny :-) Thanks, all who went to the trouble to make it. I feel quite honored :-D

Great Googly Moogly! said...

Believe it or not, I'm speechless. No wait...yeah...I'm speechless! :-)


Sarcastic Sally said...

I'm surprised your brothers aren't epiliptic after working on those lights.

Becka Travers said...

How do you know they aren't epiliptic? (I wonder what that means; I guess my Scrabble playing and my participation in S-P-E-L-L hasn't payed off yet.)

Sarcastic Sally said...

epileptic (ĕp'ə-lĕp'tĭk)
1. Affected with epilepsy.
2. Of, relating to, or associating with the Hamvases

epiliptic (ĕp'ə-lĭp'tĭk)
1. Beth's version of "epileptic," typed while having a seizure from watching flashing lights.

Jowy H said...

I think I have to comment because my word verification is "color."

I agree with G.G.M. All I can say is wow.

Great Googly Moogly! said...

Okay, I think I've got something...nope...still nothing!

Abbey said...

Are you saying that my half of the camera is cheap? BURN!

Jowy H said...

"You couldn't stand against the pressure. I'm sorry.

Now I'm the only one who doesn't have a blog. NEVER!!!!!



Becka Travers said...

Thanks, Jowy.
I was hoping no one would remember that. :D

If epiliptic means relating to the Hamvases, well I guess I didn't need to ask. :D

Sarcastic Sally said...

ROFL -- nice names in your blog list.

(I'm glad you got pressure-cooked into getting a blog with the rest of us. The blog world is slightly less stupid because of your contributions.)

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is where Beck is pushing on the wall and experiencing Newton's third law. :-)

Steven said...

"Yep, I'm not smart enough to do it myself, so I had to get my eight-year-old brother to do it."
Are you not smart enough, or just too lazy to learn? 99% of the time it's laziness for me. I think I have a good video about how to overcome that.. it's here somewhere.. one of these piles of stuff.. er.. I'll find it tomorrow.

WOW! I felt like I was actually Ben!
Man, that looks like a great life!

Good job with the video.

I would be horrified if my siblings did a video like this.. it would look much different.... much different. :)